Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25th

March 25, 2013

Dear Family,

I got my new companion this past Wednesday, his name is Elder Rees.  He is from an island off Washington, called Bane Bridge its just outside of Seattle.  He has two older brothers who are from a different dad, and one sister who is 18.  I think his two older brothers are 25, and 22.  His two older brothers are not active in the church. His parents are currently divorced and he is the first person in his family to serve a mission.  He is 19 years old.  As you know he just left the MTC last Tuesday.  It has been pretty tough training a new missionary.  I have been doing most if not all of the talking with our investigators. I have been trying my best to train him the ways of a missionary.  He did do one thing.  He successfully invited our investigator Tina Burns and her daughter to be baptized. They gladly and excitedly accepted the date for April 20th. They were at church yesterday, too. They said it was different, how we have people from the congregation go up and talk and she enjoyed it. We also finished teaching Ricky Holman all the lessons that you need to learn before you get baptized. He is very excited to get baptized but it is all up to his mother.   She has to give him permission to be baptized. We went through the baptismal interview questions and he could answer all of them. We lost our car this past week because another set of missionary's needed the car.  One of them had his knee replaced so he cant ride a bike.  We are stuck on bike every other week.  We still get the car for this week so I'm pretty excited for that.  We haven't been able to get to some of our investigators because they are just too far away.  The members here are not very missionary minded. We haven't been able to get in with the Romanian family since last Saturday.  Anna, the Grandmother with three grandchildren, has been sick. Gilbert our investigator who is married to a member is still struggling with some of the things that our church does like, excommunication.  He doesn't think that it is right. We did find another investigator.  He is an African American man named Joseph. He is ready for change in his life and is excited to hear our message. We have an appointment with him tonight.

We had a miracle happen this week. I decided to go and see one our former investigators Jackie Gholston.  On our way walking to her house instead of turning down the normal street we went a different way.  On our way to her house we had this Mexican man with a long beard wave at us and tell us to stop.  He turned around and we talked to him. Turns out that his Mother-in-law had just passed away a few minutes ago and that he was on his way home from the hospital.  It ended up that he was an endowed member of the church but hasn't gone to church in many years.  His mother-in- law is an endowed member as well.  He had know clue how to properly bury his mother-in-law and was praying for guidance and comfort as to what to do.  As soon as he was done with this prayer in his heart he looked up and saw us walking down the street.  He started to cry while he was talking to us as he recognized us as messengers of the Lord.  He told us he wants to go back to church.  Long story short we ended up figuring everything out that he needed to do later that night.

Heavenly Father is severely grieved with the thought of even one of his children being lost. We just need to reach out to him for help.  He will do everything in his power to bring us back.  Just like the parables of the lost sheep, or the lost coin, or the prodigal son.

Love you all and hope you have a great week. Things are still going good here on the mission.
Love Elder Buhler.             HAPPY EASTER!!

Maybe Georgia peach trees in the background?

Elder Buhler's cat helping with the Easter basket

Elder Buhler's address

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19th

March 18, 2013

Hello Family,

It looks like you guys had a good time celebrating my birthday with out me.  Probably kind of reminds you a little like last year.  My first Birthday out on the mission was all right. I guess it was as good as it could have been. I didn't really expect it to be that fun, haha. Just another day on the Mission.
Well I don't really have much to talk about this week. That can be a good thing sometimes. All of our investigators are continuing to progress. Ricky Holman the 9 year old is ready for baptism, just waiting for his mom's approval.  Hopefully her heart gets softened a little. We saw the Romanian family this past week. They are still reading out of the Book of Mormon. They know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true they are just having a hard time trying to find time. Its hard to get a hold of them. All of our other investigators are progressing and just moving up in the lessons. We did find one more investigator Mathew Williams. He is a pretty promising investigator as well. He said as soon as he knows that the Book of Mormon is true he will join the Church.  This past week has been a crazy week though and we haven't had the most time to find new investigators. We have 9 investigators already that are progressing nicely.

I was called by the Assistant to the Presidents this past Tuesday and they told me that I have been called by the Lord to train a new missionary.  I will be staying here in Fort Yargo and we will be on car share. We will have a car one week and be on bikes the other. This past week we had a car the whole time. I am pretty excited to train a new missionary.  According to President Wolfert the Trainers are the most important missionaries.  I'm pretty excited and nervous at the same time. This will be the first group of missionary's that have only been in the MTC for 2 weeks.  I'm training and I will most likely be in Fort Yargo for another 3 months. We have some great investigators for the new missionary. I just need to tell him that it wont always be this good on all his areas. Well wish me luck! I will let you know how it is going next week.  Hope you all have a great week. And Thank-you for all the Happy Birthday wishes!

Love, Elder Kyle Buhler.

March 11, 2013
Dear Family,
Hey everything is going great here in Fort Yargo. We have been working hard and still finding some new investigators. I'm still struggling a little on my street contacting so that is what I'm going to work on this week, one of my goals. I'm pretty good at tracting though. So I have that going for me at least. This past week we taught the Verdin kids, who are the two kids that are a part of a less active family and their kids are not baptized yet. We taught them the Restoration and they understood it pretty good. As good as a 11 and 12 year old can understand, I guess. They are super excited for baptism. The parents really enjoyed us to, they told us that it rekindled the fire of the church and hopefully they start to come back to church some time soon.
We also taught Ricky Holman the 9 year old kid who is also a part of a less active family, this week we taught him some of the commandments specifically: Obedience, Prayer, Scripture Study, Keep the Sabbath Day Holy, Follow the Prophets, Baptism and Confirmation. He is ready for Baptism his mom just needs to soften her heart a little.
Next we taught Gilbert again he wasn't showing much interest in our church two weeks ago but this past week he seemed pretty interested. He is beginning to see how important our message is now.  So we are starting to see progress.
The Romanian family has been hard to get in with again.  They are still reading the Book of Mormon. We have an appointment to see them this Wednesday and we will teach them The Plan of Salvation.
As for new investigators go I was on an exchange with Elder Thomas, the District Leader, and we were out tracting. We knock on a door of a lady named Tina Burns. She was talking with us for a while and starting talking to us about her dealings with Jesus Christ and she started to cry. She recognized us as representatives of Jesus Christ and was excited for us to teach her. We taught her The Restoration last Thursday and she is now reading the Book of Mormon. She one of the best investigators that we have now.  That's not the best part. She was so happy that we came she started to give us many referrals of people for us to teach. One of which was for a lady named Anna. Anna is currently taking care of three grand daughters. Her son past away in 2010 and their mother left them with her. Her granddaughters are 13, 14, and 15.  Apparently the first year after their parents left them they tore up Anna's home and put holes all over the walls and they started to punch her and beat her up. When we taught her and her granddaughters last Saturday there was lots of holes in the walls.  This past year they have been better. Well long story short Anna's sister-in-law is Mormon.  Her brother didn't have the best life before.  Her brother was starting to prepare to become a member of the Church and was cleaning up his life and she recognized the change in him. We taught her The Restoration and she was super excited we came.  She has been searching for the true church her whole life and she told us that the Mormons might be it. We told her about organization of the church and what we do at church. She got super excited and told us that is exactly what her granddaughters need. She is super excited for us to teach her The Plan of Salvation this Saturday and so are we.
That's all my stories this week.  Just when I think things couldn't get better, they do. I hope that you guys all have a great week and that you are all healthy and happy.  Thank you for all that you do.  I miss you all.  Remember all of life's questions can be answered in the Scriptures. If we take the time to diligently search and seek out our answers. The Holy Ghost gives us the power to know what is right and wrong. Scripture of the week.

Moroni 7:12-17

 12 Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin, and to do that which is evil continually.

 13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

 14 Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.

 15 For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.

 16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

 17 But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

LOVE, Elder Kyle Buhler

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5th, 2013

I shouldn't get so far behind on posting Elder Buhler's letters, sorry:

Feb 18th

Dear Family,

This week went pretty good.  We tried to go see Aaron and Felicia, the two Romanians.  They  always excited to see us but lately they are either too busy for a lesson or they are about to leave.   They still want us to teach them.  We are going to try to see them tonight.  They told us that Monday nights
are usually the best. 

We taught Gilbert the Restoration last Monday.  That went really good.  We had actually planned to teach him tonight and have dinner with him but he cancelled because he is too sick.  I'm not too worried about him because he wants to be apart of this church.  I don't know if I mentioned that he is engaged to the Fox's daughter, a member in our ward.  We'll teach him some other time this week. Then the nine year old, Ricky Holman, that we have been teaching is constantly progressing.  We taught him the restoration yesterday and he really understood it. He could summarize everything we taught him.  His mom, who is a member is still not sure if he really understands the importance of baptism quite yet.  In all honesty he understands it more that when I was baptized.  I know that he is ready, I just hope his mother doesn't prevent it from happening.
That's about it as for our investigators go.  Elder Rogers and I have been doing a lot of tracting and using the Harvesting Tool.  We were able to get into a couple of homes last week to bless their homes.  Everyone that we are able to do this for is always so great-full for us being there.  For some reason they don't really want us to come back so that they can feel the spirit more often in their home.  We focus a lot on the restored gospel and the restored Priesthood power.  How the Priesthood power is the true divine power from God and with the Priesthood we have the power to bind things in Heaven and on Earth, that their families can be together forever.  I then would ask them if they would like to learn more about how their family can be together forever.  Most of the time the response is no.  We will then ask why and they will sometimes tell us that they don't care about being with their family forever.  That is hard to understand.
Well that is all I got for this week.  It is about 45 degrees outside, so the cold weather is finally here. I'm healthy and happy, and hope that you all are the same.

Scripture of the Week.
Moroni Chapter 10.

32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
 33 And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot.

Remember if we follow Christ and his teachings, repent of our sins. We have nothing to worry about on judgement day.

Have a great week.

Love Elder Kyle Buhler

Feb 24th, 2013
Dear Family,

The my days here in Fort Yargo are just getting better and better. Plus the weather has been nice here, so maybe people's attitudes have changed with the nice weather.  I'll start off with some new investigators that we have found.  We were out tracting and the first door we knocked on a lady named Kirsten answered the door.  I bore testimony of our message and she got pretty excited.  We will be teaching her tomorrow.  The second door we knocked on the same thing happened with this lady named Casey.  We have an appointment to see her this week.  Than the third door, we offered to bless his home and he let us right in.  His name is Perez Griffith.  We talked to him for a minute and we found out that he had bought the building supplies for a couple of our church's out here.  We blessed his home and he could feel the spirit.  He told us that he had never felt that way before, kind of like a overwhelming happiness.  We are teaching him and his family now.  Well, long story short we got 9 new investigators this week, Amazing!   As for our current investigators  that you already know about.  Ricky Holman the 9 year old is still progressing, and he knows a lot about the Book of Mormon and the gospel.  Gilbert just recently got married to the Foxes' daughter, who his a member, and has been reading the B.O.M.  He came to church yesterday.  We are going to set a date for him for baptism tonight.  The Romanian family have are progressing good too, especially their 19 year old daughter.  Her name is Flavia.  She told us that she is currently looking for a new church and that she new that we showed up at her house for reason. That we were an answer to her prayers. She was so excited that she is going to tell her friends about us and have us teach them too.  Flavia came to church yesterday and she told us that she loved it.  That everyone was friendly. We had our fast and testimony meeting yesterday because stake conference is next week.  We will have two members of the seventy there so I'm pretty excited about that.  She loved the testimonies!  Aron and Felicia her parents didn't make it to church yesterday because Felicia was working and they have to do everything together.  They are a great family who were prepared to be members before we got there. Every time I think about them I get excited!
Another miracle that has happened this week was we had dinner with a less active member this past Wednesday.  They have two kids a 11 year old and a 10 year old who are not yet baptized.  They agreed to let us teach them. The kids want to be baptized because the are the only ones in their class who are not.  We have an appointment to teach them this Wednesday.  So exciting!
Oh and this is not the end. The Winder Elders who are just above us were tracting in our area by accident. They found a part member family that is not on our ward roster.  They recognized that they were living in sin so they are going to get married.  The members husband Robert wants to get baptized and start a new life with himself, his wife and the savior.
It has been a great week!
Thank-you all for the valentines things and for writing on the HUGE Card.  I love you all and talk to you next week.  Got to go play some B-ball.  Thanks for all that you do.  Stay Strong!

Love, Elder Kyle Buhler.

 March 4th, 2013
Dear Family,
This past week was a little slower. So I don't really have much to write about. But I still have some good stuff.
Last Monday after we finished e-mailing, we went to Taco Bell for lunch and we started talking to the lady at the cash register about the church and come to find out that she had actually met with missionary's before.  We asked her if we could stop by and talk to her and she accepted.  We well long story short, we stopped by last Wednesday and taught her the message of the restoration.  She seemed to take it better than before and she accepted to be baptized by someone holding the restored Priesthood of God.  We gave her a date for March 21 and she accepted. Nice!  All of our other investigators have been progressing pretty good.  We found another investigator this past week a 18 year old named Kirston.  She is someone that I could see accepting the restored gospel.  We will see what happens though.  She kept on telling us that she was Lutheran, so that probably means she is afraid of change but we'll see what happens.  We taught Ricky Holman the Gospel of Jesus Christ Yesterday.   All that is left is the Commandments.  He is an amazing 9 year old.  He is reading Genesis and the Book of Mormon together.   He is already on the 23rd Chapter of Genesis.  I don't think he understands most of it but he is devoted.
Another family who hasn't had their children baptized is the Verdins.  We are going to start teaching them tonight. We have Dinner with them than we are going to teach them the Restoration.  I think that they are going to let their children get baptized this time around.  It is one boy, TJ, who is 11 and Katie who is 10.  They are big kids.  I'm super excited for them.  The Romanian Family we have been having a hard time getting in with them.  Aaron, the dad, is still trying to find a job, and Felicia, the Mom,  is a RN is having a hard time finding enough work.  She work as a home visit nurse.  Flavia, the 19 year old, is trying to work full time and doing online school.  She is going to school to be a RN as well.  We are working hard with them.  Even though they know the Church is true, they can't find the time for us to come over.  We are trying to figure something out.  This past week was Zone Conference where all the Missionary's meet together from the Sugar Hill and Athens Zone.  I'm in the Athens Zone by the way. We get trained on how to be better missionaries.  That was good.  During these conferences they randomly choose missionaries to share experiences they had.  I got to share an experience that I had with the Harvesting Tool.  It was a pretty awesome experience to be able to talk in front of over 60 missionaries.  Yesterday was Stake conference.  It was Elder Whiting of the of the 70 and Elder Marideth the the Area 70.  They had some great talks.   Elder Marideth talked about the final week of Christ life and the miracle of forgiveness.   He talked about how Peter denied Christ 3 times before the Cock crowed.  Christ told Peter he would do this and Peter didn't think it would be possible that he would do this.  Then after Christ died and was resurrected he returned to some of his Apostles who were back out fishing.  You might remember this from Elder Hollands talk last October. Christ asked Peter 3 times if he loved him.  Those three times he said thou knowest that I love thee. Those three times were to make up for the three times that Peter denied Jesus to be the Christ.  I never really thought about it that way.  Even though at times we deny Jesus Christ and His teachings, he will always have his hand out toward us to bring us back in.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us more than we can even imagine.  If only we would just stop and consider the things that he has done for us and follow him. We can have his promise of Eternal Life.
Then Elder Whiting had a quote that I really liked he said," It is harder to go to the temple once a month than it is to go once a week, because when we go once a week it is a commitment. When we try to go once a month it becomes an inconvenience." I know that that is true.
Also President Wolfert was there and he bore his testimony about the Abrahamic Covenant.  That we are all under that covenant and from Abraham's seed. That we have the same blessings that he had. That the Israel was scattered and there were lost tribes,but the Book of Mormon was brought forth by God for the Gathering again of Israel.  They got a new Stake President in the Athens Zone. 
That's all I got for this week.  Hope you all have a great week.  Love you all and hope you all have a great and blessed week.  Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you.  I know I can only do so much out here. haha.Hello Everybody

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb. 11, 2013

Good morning everybody!

So this past week has been a great week. Last P day we all went to the Athens stake center and played some basketball and volley ball.  There were about 12 Elders and 7 Sisters.  It was a lot of fun. Then Tuesday, we had our Zone Training where the zone leaders train us on what the mission president says. That is always pretty good.
After, I went on an exchange with the District leader Elder Johnson. That turned out to be a lot of fun too. On the exchange, we went tracking and did the Harvesting Tool, where we offer to bless peoples homes. While doing this we got 4 return appointments.  There was an interesting one where we offered to bless his home and he let us right in. There were a lot of people in his family that needed a special blessing. At the end of the prayer he told us that he could feel the spirit and that he was glad that we came.  He told us that he was actually praying to Heavenly Father that morning and was asking for help.  It was all very spiritual. We then invited him to be baptized and he accepted.  We set up a return appointment for two days later.  Later, we saw some African American guys outside playing basketball so we asked them if we could play and they said yes. We started to play 21, we beat them and they agreed to start taking the lessons.  Pretty sweet.

Well that wasn't in my area but it was still a great experience.  So back to my area, on Wednesday we got a call from the Bishop and he told us that he had someone for us to teach. He referred us to a kid named Ricky Holman.  He is the son of a less active lady in the ward who really want to get baptized. We just taught him the Restoration yesterday and all went well. The less active lady doesn't really like men who hold the priesthood and has a hard time with them in her home.  She seemed alright with us there, and she actually thanked us before we left.  It went great so that's one thing that is going good here in Fort Yargo. We have our next appointment to teach him next Sunday.  I'm excited for that. Another thing that happened this past week happened on Friday. We were going to go see a less active member but when we knocked on the door it was a man from Romania, his name is Aron. He didn't seem too interested at first but as I started to bare a brief testimony of the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ he became very interested. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon.  He told us that he couldn't read English very well but that he would have his wife read it to him. We invited him to church and he was excited to go.  We'll it so happened that night I found a copy of the  Book of Mormon in Romanian in our apartment. Ha ha. The Lord works in mysterious ways. We took him the book the next day and he was so happy.  We started talking a little about doctrine and it just made him happier and happier.  He agreed with it all. Well, long story short yesterday he and his wife showed up to church and they brought their 2 year old daughter.  They loved it and said they would be back next week for sure. We are going to teach them the Restoration this week.  They have a 19 year old daughter too, whom we have not yet met.  This small Romanian family is one of those miracles.

Next miracle that happened this week is there is this lady at our church who has been bringing her boyfriend to church.  His name is Gilbert. Well, I talked to them both at church and asked them if we could come by tomorrow (Monday) to teach him about the church and he finally accepted the visit.  I guess missionaries before us have asked and he wasn't interested.  We have a appointment tonight to teach him.  He is another one who has been prepared by the Lord. This past week has been great and all of  Elder Rogers and my hard work has paid off.  As a missionary you realize that as long as you are working,  although it might seem like a waste of time at first, no effort is wasted.  Every good decision that you make in your life is never a waste of time.  It may seem like it at times but it will all be better in the end.

That is just about everything for this week.  Oh, I forgot to tell you that I ate deer steaks for the first time.  So so far I've eaten Alligator, Deer, Octopus, and Raw Salmon.  You really learn to eat whatever you are given while a missionary.  Today were the transfer calls.  Elder Rogers and I are staying together for at least one more transfer.  I'm excited about this so I can continue teaching our new investigators.  Oh, and that family we were teaching in Coal Mountain that accepted baptism is being taught by the Zone Leaders.  Hopefully they will be baptized in the near future.

All is well with me. We are going to Athens again to play some Ball so I'm pretty excited.  I don't know if you guys know this but I love basketball! ha-ha.  You are all in my prayers and hope that you are all doing well.

Scrip of the week. Doctrine and Covenants 45: 57-59
 57: For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.

58: And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.

59: For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver.

Heavenly Father sent his son to atone for the sins of all mankind and to be the perfect example. We are to be perfected through him.  As we strive to be more like our Savior, we qualify ourselves for the Holy Ghost. When we have the Holy Ghost as our guide and we learn how to recognize the spirit's promptings we have nothing to be worried about when the Savior comes again.

Talk to you next week, Love always, Elder Kyle Buhler

Monday, February 4, 2013

Febuary 4th, 2013

Feb 4th, 2013

Hello family,

I guess you guys heard about the tornado that came through here on Wednesday. Our mission President informed us about it and told us to stay indoors. The tornado didn't hit in my area. There were 60 mph winds mixed with heavy rain. It was still pretty intense for us. I guess the tornado was about 30 miles from us.  We had nothing to worry about. It was crazy.  I woke up Wednesday morning and went out side and it was warmer outside than it was in the apartment. My guess is that it was around 75 degrees and the clouds were orange and purple. We knew that something was going down that day. (ha,ha.)  We sat in the apartment from 2 pm for the rest of the night. It was such a boring day. I don't get how some missionaries can just sit in their apartment all day doing nothing. I guess some missionaries just want the title of serving a full time mission and not serving to their fullest potential.

Sounds like you guys have been having some crazy weather too. I miss the snow. It would be bad for it to snow in Georgia because they don't have very many snow plows.   The whole area, anywhere the snow falls, gets shut down till the sun melts it.  The people that live in Georgia tell me that they don't know how to drive in snow either.

This time of the year is tough for missionary work. Or at least tougher than when I first got to Georgia.  I guess the bad weather puts people in a bad mood and they just don't seem interested in our message.   Once the weather starts to get warmer it will start to pick up.  Elder Rogers and I got here around the same time so we had to figure stuff out on our own. The missionaries before us didn't do too much missionary work so we didn't have any investigators to start out with.   We are slowly starting to find investigators and people to teach. It gets a little discouraging at times knocking on doors and getting rejected but that's really all missionary work is about.   Our only progressing investigator Sal, has been reading the Book of Mormon.  He loves it!  He told us that he loves the index in the back and that there is so much to learn in the book.  The only problem is that he doesn't believe in organized religion. We are working on him.  He just needs to hear the right words at the right time.  I guess we all do. That is why listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost is so important, as a missionary and as children of God.

I don't have any cool stories to tell you this week.  I heard that the Ravens won the Super Bowl.  Missionaries that watched it called us and told us. There are some crazy things that happen on the mission and there are a lot more disobedient missionaries in the mission field than you would think. It is pretty sad. It makes it tough for the obedient missionaries when they get paired up with the disobedient missionaries.  When I was with Elder C,  it was though trying to get him to listen to approved music and do things that are approved by the Apostles and Prophets. You just have to stay strong and fulfill the promise you made on your mission call.  There are still great missionaries too and that is what I want to be,  a great missionary.

It's amazing, all the things that I'm capable of learning as a missionary and you as well as a member of the church. I know my knowledge of the Gospel is growing as well as my Testimony and Conversion. Your conversion to the Gospel is important just your testimony. Only you know how converted you are to the Gospel. The more converted you are the more you enjoy church and the more you enjoy doing service in the church, like callings and visiting/ home teaching. You start to see the Church as a whole and see your purpose as a member to the one and only true church. Remember that there are people out there that are searching for the truth, and searching for a better life. They just don't know where to find it.
Everyone is born with the light of Christ or the knowledge of what is right or wrong, or feeling good for doing good, and feeling bad for doing wrong things. As members of the Church we are all given a gift. That is the Gift of the Holy Ghost, a constant companion to tell us what is right and what’s wrong. The Holy Ghost also comforts and confirms truth when you hear it.

In first Corinthians 2 is says:
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit:  for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit  which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
We as members of the true Church have the Holy Ghost to teach us, as long as we are worthy of this gift.  Remember that if you ever have a question about the Church whether or not something is true, read the Book of Mormon and pray and ask our Father in Heaven if it is true.  In 1 Nephi 10: 19 it tells us this:
19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost.   In these times as in times of old, and in times to come;  wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.

I know this is true. 

We don't really have anyone that we can teach so I guess this is you guys for now. Haha.

Love you all.  Thank you for all that you have done for me.

 Pictures taken by Kyle's sister, Christa Cox

Love, Elder Kyle Buhler

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 29, 2013

Dear Family,

This past week has been fairly slow :). I am at the library right now in Winder.  I am actually living in Winder, GA.  They split the Winder ward a few years ago and called the other ward Fort Yargo. Winder got the better end of the deal, ha-ha. I like this area, there is plenty of work to do. No one is out walking, this time of year.  It is cold here so we have been tracting and using that harvesting tool I was telling you about.

We had some success with the harvesting tool. We knocked on one door and a lady answered. We asked if we could come in and bless her home, she said yes. It turned out that her mother was very sick and her kids were sick also. They actually just got back from the hospital. We were able to bless her home and leave the Savior’s peace and comfort. We also asked to leave a blessing on her mother and kids. She told us that she was happy we came and that she could feel the spirit.  We told her that she could feel the spirit more often in her life by meeting with us and learning how to make covenants with Heavenly Father. She accepted and we have an appointment to see her tomorrow. So we have her as an investigator now. 

We also had a guy named Sal text us and tell us that he found a card in his room that he got from a missionary during the summer.  He had a prompting to text the number on the card. We made an appointment with him and it was a very spiritual experience. He doesn't go to a church but reads from the King James Bible. He doesn't have all the false teachings that come from a preacher, so everything that he believes in about God is true and what we believe in. He loves reading. He has been in and out of prison.  Recently he wanted to put God and Jesus Christ first. We answered his questions and introduced him to the Book of Mormon. He accepted it willingly and is very excited to read it. I showed him a scripture that had to do with his situation and he knew right then and there that it was the word of God. I shared with him. Ether 12: 27-29, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble;
and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."He has been through a lot and knows that he had those weaknesses in the past so he could find God and Jesus and know that They live. He is our top investigator and we are very excited about him. He is a really good person, just hasn't made all the right decisions in his life, just like everybody else, and just wants to put the lord first in his life.

Well I'm getting along well with Elder Rogers and we are starting to get things going again here in Fort Yargo. Good things are starting to come.  We just need to keep our heads up and keep going. Oh and just in case you were wondering I have been taking advantage of the workout time between 6:30 and 7:00 :)Ha-ha.  Well, that's all I for this week. 

You are in my prayers.  Drive safe in the bad weather in Utah and stay in doors. Sounds like the smog is going to kill everyone. Thanks again for all that you do and have done for me.

Love, Elder Kyle Buhler.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan 21, 2013

I have edited some names in this post and the last one.

Dear Family,
This past week has been a CRAZY one again.  Elder C. is now home.  He went home this past Friday,  as well as his past companion Elder H.   Elder C. was out for about 16 months and Elder H. for about 9.  Elder H. is being sent home for not being within sight and sound of his companion.  If he was,  he would have been able to stop whatever happened that caused Elder C. to be sent home.  Elder H. can come back to Georgia in 6 months if he chooses to do so.  Elder C. does not have that option.  I'm happy for Elder C. and that he made the right decision.

Okay enough about that.  So I have now been transferred to Fort Yargo in the Athens Zone to replace Elder H.  I'm now serving with Elder Rogers who has been on his mission just over 18 months.  Elder Rogers had only been in Fort Yargo for a week when I got here.  We are doing something called whitewashing.  This is done there isn't an Elder in the area that was previously there.  So, we are here without any investigators because whomever the previous Elders were,  they didn't do very much.  We are basically starting from scratch.  For the past couple of days we have both been trying to get back on our feet, and back to work.  I miss Coal Mountain.  The ward is like a Utah Ward but in Georgia.  It was great while it lasted.  Fort Yargo Ward is more like Covington.  There are only 100 members that attend sacrament meeting and only 8 in gospel doctrine class and in priesthood quorum.  Well, nothing else really happened this week.  We are just looking for some new investigators.

Love, Elder Buhler

Elder Loader and me on transfer day.  He had to step forward so he didn't look so short. 

                                                             Coal Mountain Apartment.